Theatre and Architecture in Palma


  • Guillem Aloy Bibiloni


theatre mapping, typology, theatre architecture, history, urban planning, architecture, performance space, Palma, Mallorca


The study of the place of theatre in Palma is research that shows its existing,
closed and vanished venues throughout the history of the city. It is a
preliminary and ongoing inventory covering 98 performance spaces, some
deliberately ostentatious but most modest. A typological system of leisure
and culture that raises a series of questions: Why were they built? Who are
their agents and what is the nature of their architecture? What is the place
of theatre in Palma?
In this historical and urban journey, the study of the space of theatre becomes
a means to interpret the relationship of architecture with culture over
the centuries. Beyond its architectonic structure, we have started from the theatrical
and performance event, with a broad approach, to select and define the
theatre venues in which architecture and scenography are seen as the meeting
point, at the same time and in the same place, of actors and audience.

Author Biography

Guillem Aloy Bibiloni

Guillem Aloy és arquitecte, investigador i estudiant de doctorat en teoria i història de l’arquitectura a la UPC-ETSAB amb la tesi: Atles d’arquitectura teatral a Mallorca. Territori, arquitectura i espai escènic, dirigit per Antoni Ramon i Joan Mas i Vives, guardonat amb el premi Ciutat de Palma d’Investigació 2017 i la borsa d’estudis de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans 2018.

