Xavier Fàbregas i el teatre valencià entre els dos pròlegs de l'«Homenatge a Florentí Montfort»


  • Rodolf Sirera


At the second issue (the first complete one) of the work Homenatge a Florentí Montfort from Josep Lluís and Rodolf Sirera, considered as the starting point of the new Valencian theatre, there are two prefaces of Xavier Fabregas, who had been the real «discoverer» and the first critic to analyse that movement intensely: one corresponds to the original issue of 1972 (the work is from the year before), and the other belongs to the complete version of 1983.

During the eleven years that passed between these two prefaces, Valencian theatre has developed laboriously and with steadfastness. Nowadays the first fruits are being collected. Xavier Fabregas has been present in this process in sorne way or another, either impelling it or testifying the plays. He also related this theatre with the other plays in our country, exploring several aspects of the cultural Valencian reality. He even became an expert in some of these cultural themes.





