Els pipirondos. Tot allò que recordo del grup teatral La Pipironda.


  • Candel Francesc


The “pipirondos” group has been quite great in number. We used to perform at the bars of some districts. Nobody has ever got away from playing a part; I have played the part of El Candel in La batalla del Verdún by Jose M. Rodríguez Méndez. La Pipironda, under the direction of Àngel Carmona, never dies. Its beginning goes back to 1957 with the creation of the Teatro Popular de Sala y Alcoba, by Àngel Carmona and Florenci Clave, and the meetings which some friends used to held at various bars in Barcelona once a week. A printed sheet called «La Pipironda» began also to be published. In its first phase the group’s repertory consisted of La estratosfera by Pedro Salinas, Navidad by Gregorio Martínez Sierra, El mestre de minyons by Feliu i Codina and the Auto de la donosa tabernera by Jose M. Rodríguez Méndez; this last play has been performed more thana thousand times. From 1959 till 1967 the group is in its fullest swing. In 1961 they go on tour to Vitoria, Baracaldo, Mieres, Oviedo, etc. Àngel Carmona is still alone and in1980 he takes up again the theatre with a King Lear at the Cafe Central in Girona street. Afterwards there have followed Lysistrata and Amor de Don Perlimplin con Belisaen su jardín. If I had money I would become a Maecenas and would say to Àngel Carmona: take up the theatre, only the theatre, as you like, don’t do anything else.






Dossier: La Pipironda