Poetic Creed as a System of Autonomous Reflection in Theatre Creation Processes


  • Carla Pessolano UNA - UFC - CO NIC ET. Argentina


Poetic Creed, Creative Processes, Performance Reflection


The aim of this article is to introduce the notion of poetic creed. A notion
that was created to reflect on the different ways in which a theatre creator
can produce theoretical thinking inside and around their practice. The poetic
creed of a theatre creator is conceived as a continuously evolving subject.
While studying the ways of thinking the practices, we try to discover the
ways in which we could reflect inside the artistic field and how they become
useful in terms of production of thought about the world that surrounds the
This approach’s contribution is to propose different tools for a possible
method that can lead to the production of theoretical inputs emerging from
the creative practices. We will introduce some working axes that could be useful
for researchers (working on the analysis of a specific creator’s poetics), researcher
creators or creators that are trying to understand their own processes
and practices.

Author Biography

Carla Pessolano, UNA - UFC - CO NIC ET. Argentina

Carla Pessolano holds a degree in Performing Arts from the Universidad Nacional
de las Artes and a master’s degree in Humanities from UFC. She is doing her PhD jointly with
the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the Université de Franche-Comté (France) with a
NIC ET scholarship. Her research focuses on the systematisation of creative theatre processes from
a theoretical and practical perspective.


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