The journal Estudis Escènics organises the Symposium “Make your bets! Formats, Devices and Mechanisms for Interaction (in the Relational Scene)” to be held in October


The journal Estudis Escènics of the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, with the collaboration of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Department of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature) is preparing the International Symposium “Make your bets! Formats, Devices and Mechanisms for Interaction (in the Relational Scene)”, to be held on 13, 14 and 15 October 2020.


The Symposium will analyse how interaction (with an expanded vision of this term and the so-called “relational aesthetics”) is understood today and applied in different fields of current scenic-performative praxis.

The debate is arranged into three thematic fields: formats, devices and mechanisms. The programme will include, among others, Jordi Claramonte, Manuel Delgado, Stefan Kaegi, Mónica Rikic and Roger Bernat. The section gaming-theatre devices will feature several performative events with the active participation of the audience by Marc Villanueva and Gerard Valverde, Clara Tena, Mar Medina and Aimar Pérez Galí, Societat Doctor Alonso, Nyamnyam, ERRO Teatro and Colectivo Harinera. In Gran Casino IT, there will be a choice of different experiences and presentations related to the topic of the Symposium, which the audience will be able to discover in several locations of the building.     

Simultaneously, the installation Prospective Actions (Catalunya 2014-2018) will be hosted by the Mercat de les Flors in its foyer. It is an interactive installation that invites the audience to play and learn about the confrontations between the structures of power and society. Created by the scenographers Xesca Salvà and Laura Clos “Closca” and the playwrights Marc Villanueva and Pau Masaló, it received theAward for the Best Exhibition at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2019, the most important international festival of theatre and set design in the world, for being a scenography of “sabotage, political action, revolution and protest” while examining from many viewpoints the relation between design and democracy.

The Symposium will take place at the Teatre Estudi and the Auditorium of the Institut del Teatre and is open to all those interested in the subject wishing to attend. Register for free by completing this web form.