Apology of Fear: Calixto Bieito’s King Lear



Calixto Bieito, fear, otherness, postmodernism, violence, William Shakespeare


On the three occasions that Calixto Bieito staged Shakespeare’s character
Lear he brought out the perplexity of fear which is expressed by a backlash
against the loss of our own authority and, therefore, against the destruction
of our own identity. And in line with a post-dramatic discourse that codifies
performative simulation starting from the real thing, in his stage proposals
the director reflects a post-modern conception of Lear’s regime and identity
crisis. This paper offers a cross-sectional analysis of El rei Lear (Teatre Romea,
2004), Forests (Barcelona Internacional Teatre, 2012) and Lear (Opéra
National de Paris, 2016) based on a series of considerations in the world of
thought which find a solution for the survival of the individual and the legitimation
of violence against the other in abjection.

Author Biography

Héctor Mellinas, University of Barcelona, Department of Linguistic and Literary Education Barcelona, Spain.

The author holds a degree in Catalan Philology (UB, 2014) and a master’s degree
in Advanced Studies in Catalan Language and Literature (UAB /UB, 2015). He has participated in
several conferences and has published papers on the work of Calixto Bieito and Carles Santos, among
others. He is currently working on an edition of the complete plays of Joan Brossa (Arola Editors).


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