FFF: The Friendly Face of Fascism. For an Aesthetics of Devices


  • Roger Bernat de Naeyer
  • Roberto Fratini


manifest, mobilisation, participation, interactivity, play, device, aesthetics, audience, phantasmagoria, fascism


Manifest of the theatre company The Friendly Face of Fascism founded in 2008 by Roger Bernat and others, featuring the guidelines of an aesthetics of devices.

Author Biography

Roberto Fratini

Roger Bernat: Bachelor’s Degree holder in Dramatic Art, speciality Direction and Dramaturgy, from the Institut del Teatre, he is the creator and director of shows that have been translated into several languages and performed in over 30 countries.

Roberto Fratini: Playwright and professor of Dance Theory at the CSD in Barcelona (Institut del Teatre). He has lectured at the Università Statale in Pisa and in L’Aquila. He leads workshops and gives masterclasses and lectures in several academic and theatre institutions around the world. He has published A Contracuento. La danza y las derivas del narrar (Ediciones Polígrafa, 2012) and Filosofía de la danza (Edicions UB, 2015) with Magda Polo Pujadas and Bàrbara Raubert.

