Un investigador en temps de crisi. Xavier Fàbregas vist per Joaquim Molas. Monòleg transcrit per Santiago Fontdevila i Joan-Anton Benach
To start with, professor Joaquim Molas describes Xavier Fabregas trajectory and analyzes his family and cultural routes as well as his evolution, not only in regard to his critics, but also to his work as historiographer and investigator.
Professor Molas monologue constitutes an elucidating testimony about the intellectual interests and concerns of Xavier Fàbregas. The process he experimented from his rigid ideological position, clearly lukacsanian, to his fascination for cultural anthropology can be understood through professor Molas exposition, thanks to a synthesis about the dimension of his work. This report also includes an exact evaluation of the most outstanding contributions of the investigator —for example, his study about Frederic Soler— and a reasoned judgement about the different disciplines Fàbregas constantly dedicated his efforts.