L'obra de Xavier Fàbregas a l'Institut del Teatre


  • Hermann Bonnín


Xavier Fàbregas was a key man in the renewed stage of the Institut del Teatre of the Diputació de Barcelona under the direction of Hermann Bonnín starting in 1970. The author reports Fàbregas contributions to this institute; he starts to explain the experience of the reorganization. It required the break of many years of routine as well as a bunch of services that would turn the institute into an operative and useful centre far all sectors related to scenic arts.

Xavier Fàbregas unusual work capacity was confirmed during his management of the newly created department of investigations, or when the institute established links with international organisms such as UNIMA and the Societé Internationale des Bibliotheques et Musées des Arts d'Espectacle (SIBMAS); or during the enlargement and rationalization of the institutes documental fund, the dynamization of the publications policy, such as Estudis Escènics, and, after all, in the organization of seminars and activities that projected the strictly academic functions of this centre to wider social and cultural ambits.





