Tots els cinc sentits. El teatre mistèrico-orgíac. El teatre dels sentits
l. A true fact can be recorded through all the five senses. I project events by means of which I invite the audience to smell, taste, look, listen and touch intensively.
2. Being anxious to feel sensations is an unconditional wish to experience which goes beyond morality.
3. Looking is a part of the realm of the whole senses and it only works well according to its nature and in connection with the rest of them. The consumist offer cannot either compelled us to smell and taste. The sense of smell and taste must be intensified and sensitized according rather to the wealth that our inner and outside nature can afford us than to the nonrotten wealth characteristic of the eatable substances.
4. Red is one of the deepest colours we have ever known. It has got the deepest and oddest characteristic regarding our psycophysical organisation. Whenever there is a wound, and life is in great danger, a deep red blood is shed.
5. We must accept, as a tragic and basic design, that in order to become complete human beings we must kili.
6. Only when the barrier of revulsion, which makes us forget our animal instinct, is eliminated, will we be able to admit how important flesh and blood are to analityc theatre .
7. The artist is fascinated by the provocation of our sensuality.
8. The repressed desire of a possible complete and intense enjoyment of life, which mixes the pleasure of breeding and the pleasure of death with ecstatical life, can be interpreted as a theatrical and dramatic event.
9. The mystery-orgiastic theatre is a feast for the eyes . Looking and, generally, using properly the senses means wanting to take tye outside world in. We want to take the outside world's face in (in the most genuine meaning of the world) instead of wandering in space and time with no reality of experience, or rather, vegetating miserably.