'The real' in documentary theatre: 'Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta', by Lucía Miranda


  • Jara Martínez Valderas
  • Mélanie Werder Avilés


Lucía Miranda, 'Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta', the real on stage, verbatim technique, documentary theatre, distance and theatrical emotionality


From The Cross Border Project company, Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, written and directed by Lucía Miranda, is an artwork created using verbatim theatre techniques. The dramatic text and staging are based on interviews with teachers, non-teaching staff, mothers and stu-dents of a secondary school. This work is part of a phenomenon that had a significant presence in Spanish plays during 2019-2020 season: the use of “the real” on stage. This article focuses on analysing Miranda’s work through this concept and its use as a theatri-cal strategy, given its influence on emotive reception, with a higher purpose: to reveal the structural discriminations and difficulties experienced in secondary education in Spain and promote citizen awareness. In our methodology we mix theories on contemporary political sociology around the real and documentary theatre, as well as theory about the analysis of the creative process and of productions.


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