Visual and Sound Analysis of Onírica Mecánica’s ‘Alicia y las ciudades invisibles’. Independent Theatre in Commercial Networks
independent theatre, analysis of productions, theatrical plasticity, dramaturgy, commercial theatreAbstract
This article reflects on the possibility of independent theatre finding an outlet in venues usually considered commercial by analysing the production Alicia y las ciudades invisibles by the company Onírica Mecánica based in the Region of Murcia. This will require a definition of independent theatre in a broad and contemporary sense, forming the basis of the 2nd Conference on Independent Theatre held in Barcelona at the Institut del Teatre. Thus, it argues in favour of conducting research into the company’s work in object theatre and through the production analysed examines whether the characteristics of independence are found in Onírica Mecánica’s poetics. Finally, it tackles the initial question bearing in mind all the preceding considerations. The methodology used is framed within the analysis of the productions, focused on the theatrical plasticity (set design, lighting, characterisation, costumes, graphic design and audiovisual design) and on sound design, formally describing each element and then finding its dramaturgical meaning. The aim is to identify the aesthetic-stylistic strategy of the show, its staging objective and core of dramatic conviction.
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