Queer Shifts of Political Theatre: Expanded Sexual Dissidences in Chilean Contemporary Theatre



political theatre, queer theory, sexual dissidence, feminism, power, heteronormativity


The following article verifies the presence of sex-dissident discourses in contemporary Chilean political theatre that emerged in a context of intense feminist student movements (2017-2018-2019). Three artistic theatrical proposals that queerise the hegemonic sexual narrative from its lines of meaning, antagonising the regulated dictates of heterosexuality. In this article I will concentrate on demonstrating what I will call a "queer shift of political theatre”, analysing the sex-dissident expansions in the proposals in order to detect the dissent to heterosexuality as a power by pointing out a new problematic hegemony in the theatre: heterosexuality as a political regime.

Author Biography

Ernesto Igor Orellana Gómez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctorando en Estudios Teatrales Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster Universitario en Estudios del Teatro de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Licenciado en Artes con mención en Actuación Teatral Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Semiótica de la Cultura Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Narrativa audiovisual Escuela de Cine de Chile. Dramaturgo y director de la plataforma Teatro SUR. Docente universitario. Líneas de investigación en: Teatro Político, Teatro Posdramático, Teoría Queer y Disidencia Sexual.

