The Darmstadt School of Dramatic Art Project (1900) and Its Convergences with the Stanislavski System


  • Athenea Mata Cortés


Darmstadt, School of Dramatic Art, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Hermann Bahr, Stanislavski


The present article relates a little known dramatic art school project, linked to the Darmstadt Artists’ Colony, designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich and Hermann Bahr in 1900, to Stanislavski’s System. The main objective is to identify the convergences and the foundations and methodologies they shared. To this end, I have drawn on G. Bott’s 1974 publication of Ida Grünwald’s typewritten transcription of the original document handwritten by Olbrich and Bahr that they gave to the Grand Duke. Stanislavski’s complete bibliography published by Quetzal directly translated from Russian has also been essential. Similarly, I have used other primary sources on both cases, as well as some previous studies about them. The article shows that, despite the significant aesthetic differences, there were notable similarities in the pedagogies proposed in both projects, and concludes that, perhaps, the fact that the Darmstadt project never materialised was because it was ahead of its time.


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