'The Ghost Sonata': Poison and Vision
Strindberg, subjectivism, identity, referentiality, illusionAbstract
The plays of August Strindberg shook up drama to represent the process of destruction of meaning and its residual content. While in traditional drama transcendent meaning was an essential part of the play, in Strindberg, this meaning — an aspect that guarantees unity and coherence — is suspended. Thus, his chamber plays were gradually be stripped of their instrumental and dramatic conventions: there is virtually no situation, action, conflict or psychological depth to the characters. Specifically, The Ghost Sonata shows a clear loss of referentiality, from outside to inside, as we advance through its three movements, opening a trend towards subjectivism. The information provided is skewed and the perception of reality, from another point of view, causes a strangeness of the everyday, as well as suspicion about the makeup of modern identity.
The objective of this article is, therefore, to provide a hermeneutic reading of The Ghost Sonata to endeavour to understand which elements produce this disarticulation with respect to the drama of his time, and how these processes are still present in today’s dramaturgy.
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