playing with speech devices – the utopia of an understanding


  • Christina Schmutz Institut del Teatre


device, speech gesture, game, social media, lie, truth


As Michel Foucault argues, in recent years the elements of theatre have been increasingly analysed as devices. The concept of device points to the analysis of power relations in the form of cultural “power-knowledge” and the possibilities of its (aesthetic) subversion.

The critical potential of modes of speech on stage and their discursive exposition lie in the fact that they contain theatrical devices concerning the performance speech and the discourse of the “characters”, and they relate to them in a concrete way; in other words, by playing. These hybrid modes of speech play with the language and therefore set out the utopia of an understanding. They relate to the physical part of the text material, to a “music of meaning”, to a gesture of a mode of speech that is not at the service of a representation of characters or their individual expression. In this framework, it is worth highlighting the game with the devices, i.e., an ongoing willingness to play with the theatre elements as a playful use of oral gestures.

Author Biography

Christina Schmutz, Institut del Teatre

Doctorada en arts escèniques per la Universitat Autònoma i l'Institut del Teatre. Ha cursat les carreres de filologia i ciències econòmiques (Friburg, Alemanya). L'any 1998 arriba a Barcelona amb una beca vinculada a la dramatúrgia contemporània. A Barcelona escenifica en moltes ocasions conjuntament amb el director i teòric Frithwin Wagner-Lippok textos d´autors contemporanis alemanys com per exemple Falk Richter, Igor Bauersima, Sybille Berg, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Anja Hilling, Elfriede Jelinek, Oliver Kluck (Festival Grec, Festival de Sitges, Nau Ivanow, Espai Escènic Joan Brossa, Festival Videoart loop, Antic Teatre, Teatre Tantarantana). Des de 2006 projectes d´investigació i creació (incloent conferències i publicacions, membre actiu del working group Performance as Research IFTR). Tesis doctoral UAB (2018). Docent a Eòlia i Institut del Teatre.

