Rehabilitating the Spectator. For a Criticism of Participation


  • Marco de Marinis Universitat de Bolònia, Itàlia


spectator, passivity, participation, embodied theatrology, motor comprehension


Throughout the 20th century, some theatre studies have focused on redefining
the relations between actor and audience. The studies of anthropology, semiotics,
neuroscience, and so many others, have not fully defined a method of
profound analysis of these relations, which have swung between passivity and
participation, between the creation of a product independent of its reception
and the creation of a production in which actors and audience blur their roles.
It is necessary to reformulate theatre studies in order to focus on the spectators
as an object of analysis, mainly in their bodies’ ability to receive communication,
in a 21st century full of ambiguous borders in types of productions (we
only need to think of “reality shows”) and in the control of their production
(theatre and political institutions).

Author Biography

Marco de Marinis, Universitat de Bolònia, Itàlia

Professor of Theatre at the Arts Department of the School of Arts, Humanities
and Cultural Heritage at the University of Bologna. He lectures in courses on the History
of Theatre and Theory and Culture of Performance. His fields of research are the theory of theatre,
the methodological and epistemological notions involved in the study of theatre, the 20th
century theatre experience, the performing space and theatre iconography. He held the position
of Head of the Music and Performing Arts Department (2001-2004). He was Scientific
Head of the Centro di Promozione Teatrale La Soffitta (2004-2017). He founded the journal
“, Culture teatrali” in 1999.


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