Living Arts: Definition, Controversies and Examples



performing arts, theatre, living arts, innovation, multidisciplinarity, performativity, avant-garde, performance


The article reviews the concept of Living Arts in the field of the performing
arts in Spain and asks about what type of artistic events could be encompassed
by the term Living Arts. The relevance of this article lies in the fact
that the label of Living Arts is being broadly used in Spain, France, the United
Kingdom, the United States and South America. This is why it is necessary
to clarify some aspects or features that may be included in the concept
of Living Arts and study to what extent it is used. To this end, the author
establishes a definition of the Living Arts and its applicability to the productions
shown in public or private theatres of different sizes. Therefore, the
definitions and examples provided in the article have been useful. Moreover,
she reviews the recent controversy of one of the projects rooted in Madrid,
Las Naves Matadero, to exemplify the consequences of a shift of direction
in the management of public theatre. The article also addresses the possible
function of the Living Arts today and examines their potential. Finally, some
of the productions shown in the city of Valencia that can be considered examples
of Living Arts are reviewed.

Author Biography

Inma Garín Martinez, Investigadora

Inma Garín is a director, playwright, translator and theatre researcher from
Valencia. She holds a PhD in English Linguistics and Rhetoric and has directed several plays by
contemporary playwrights. She has been a member of the International Federation for Theatre Research
since 2013, where she has presented her work. She has published articles in journals and translations of
Caryl Churchill, S. Shepard, D. Mamet and H. Pinter.


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